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Make an Appointment -
Use the location dropdown to specify where the appointment will take place. Selecting a different location will reload the appointment dates and times that are available to be booked.
- Annette Buckley (Business, Economics)


  • Appoinments are remote by default.  To request an in-person meeting, please email me after you schedule your appointment.  I'm usually on campus Mondays and Tuesdays.
  • If my available times (below) don't work for you, or if this system is inaccessible, please email me with:
    • a few times (i.e. weekdays and hours) when you are available.
    • your research question(s).
  • To be fair to others, please schedule only one appointment.  You may schedule a follow-up after we meet.

Entrepreneurial questions?

  • Coursework in entrepreneurship
  • Business planning
  • Forming a startup
  • The New Venture Competition
  • The MIE program

Please schedule an appointment with the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Librarian.  

Annette Buckley (Business, Economics) is available at multiple locations.

Use "Select Location" to choose either a VIRTUAL (Zoom) or IN-PERSON one-on-one research appointment. For immediate help, use our 24/7 Chat Service.