This is a 2-week asynchronous course held in Canvas from May 3rd at 12 am through May 16th at 11:59 pm. The total amount of participation time is approximately 4 hours. Drop-in help sessions will be available each day along with ways to receive help within Canvas. The Unix shell has been around longer than most of its users have been alive. It has survived so long because it’s a powerful tool that allows people to do complex things with just a few keystrokes. More importantly, it helps them combine existing programs in new ways and automate repetitive tasks so they aren’t typing the same things over and over again. There is an option to receive an Alternative Digital Credential for this workshop by completing assignments. This Carpentry based workshop will cover files and directories, pipes, filters, loops, and shell scripts. For more information, please contact Computational Research Librarian Danielle Kane at Registered participants will receive invites to the Canvas workshop before the May 3rd start date.
Related LibGuide: Software for Data Analysis by Danielle Kane